Process for Creating an EECS DeCal

As a facilitator of a DeCal course, you will assume a lot of the same responsibilities as an instructor, and will need to create a positive experience for all of the participants in your course. We strongly encourage you to review this webpage and the links provided, to stay in close communication with your faculty sponsor, and to seek help if needed. Happy DeCal facilitating!

Changes for Spring 2025

Starting Spring 2025, EECS will support a maximum of 17 total DeCals. DeCal proposals will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Recurring DeCals will not receive priority.

Please do not wait until the deadline to submit your proposals. Once we have approved 17 EECS DeCals, we will no longer accept proposal submissions.

Starting Spring 2025, EECS is limiting which DeCals can be offered with 2 sections. Only recurring DeCals that already have 2 sections can continue to do so. All other DeCals can only be offered with 1 section.

Submission Deadlines for Spring 2025

We will begin accepting Spring 2025 EECS DeCal proposals on Friday, October 11th, 2024. Your proposal must be completely reviewed and approved by the EECS Schedulers no later than Friday, November 8th, 2024 at 3 pm (see process below).

Please note that almost all proposals require some revisions to gain approval by the EECS Schedulers. We highly encourage you to submit your proposal before November 8th so you have time to make any necessary revisions. No late proposals will be accepted.

The deadline for submitting your Chair-approved proposal to COCI is: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

1. Create Course Proposal Packet

Visit How to Start a DeCal for detailed information on how to create a syllabus, find a faculty sponsor, and complete the Course Proposal Form (CPF).

Required Documents for the Course Proposal Packet

A course proposal must be completed each semester, and approved by the sponsoring department, for every student-facilitated 198 course offered for academic credit. The following must be submitted to the Academic Senate online:

  1. A Course Proposal Form, signed by your faculty sponsor. This form can also be downloaded from the Academic Senate website, under the Required Documents section. Please note: The Academic Senate does not distinguish between facilitators, TAs, tutors, etc. If a student has a leadership role in a DeCal, they MUST complete the UCFTR training as referenced on the Course Proposal Form. Please note that training dates and class names need to be completed for ALL facilitators. If facilitator training date is week after deadline, have them put name & date on proposal & COCI will verify training is completed. NO FACILITATORS CAN BE ADDED AFTER PROPOSAL IS SUBMITTED TO EECS DEPT. REP
  2. A fully-developed syllabus which includes the following information:
    • an outline of course content
    • a reading list
    • a statement of frequency of class meetings
    • a clear description of assignments and requirements for passing the class
    • key learning outcomes
    • method(s) of instruction
    • method(s) of evaluation of student performance
  3. An example of a fully developed syllabus can be found at the Center for Teaching & Learning. Additional resources may be found at the website for Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training & Resources.
  4. A Unit Value Worksheet, which can also be downloaded from the Academic Senate website, under the Best Practices section. This is included in the Course Proposal Form PDF linked above under #1.
    • When completing the unit value worksheet ensure that the minimum total work hours are equivalent to the unit value of the course (e.g.: there are at least 45 hours for a 1 unit course).
    • Also ensure that any requirements outlined in the worksheet are explained fully in the course syllabus.
  5. A Faculty Sponsor Letter of Supportfrom the instructor of record, must be provided for each course the instructor is sponsoring. This letter is required for all student-facilitated course proposals starting SP 18. The letter should be written on department letterhead and signed by the instructor, and should address the five questions explaining the role and relationship the instructor has with the course.

Note: Your course content needs to align with the EECS department, at least one of your Student Facilitators needs to be an EECS or CS major, and your faculty sponsor must be an EECS or CS professor. All Student Facilitators must be active students during the semester they are facilitating. Students who have already graduated or are on leave from UC Berkeley cannot facilitate.

2. Submit Completed Packet to EECS Schedulers for Review and Approval

A) Submission

  1. When your proposal packet is complete (please ensure that ALL of the steps in #1 above are completed!), email it AS A SINGLE PDF to:
  2. We will review your proposal and contact you with any questions or additional steps you need to take.
  3. When the Scheduler is satisfied that your proposal is complete, they will forward it to the Chair’s assistant so that it can be signed by the Chair.  You will be cc’d on that message.
  4. The Chair’s assistant will then return your signed proposal to you and cc the Scheduler. This may take as long as 1-2 weeks. You then submit your proposal to COCI (see #3 below).

B) Course set up

  1. Once your signed proposal is returned to you, the Scheduler will email you a Job Aid with more detailed information and a Course Enrollment form requesting information in order to set up the class. You will receive a confirmation with class details once the class is set up.
  2. Classrooms for DeCal classes are set up via the EE/CS Schedulers. Please do not request a room via bcal in Soda or Cory Hall yourself. We do our best to find a room that meets your stated preferences, but you may need to accept whatever we can get. Keep in mind that DeCals are scheduled long after regular classes are scheduled and there are limited rooms available.

C) Facilitator Hiring Forms

Campus policy states:   “…that all instructors have an appropriate instructional title which has been approved through the normal process. Once approval has been received, the appointment data, including job code, must be entered into the Human Resource Management System (HRMS). The data from HRMS will be matched with data from the Class Schedule and Instructor Report (CSIR) system.” This includes Decal Facilitators.

You will receive the appropriate HR forms to complete once your DeCal proposal has been approved by our Department Chair.

**Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered**

3. Submit Signed Packet to COCI

Once you receive your Chair signed course proposal, you may then submit your paperwork to the Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI).  See Student-Facilitated Course Information on the Academic Senate website for instructions.

The deadline is one month before the end of instruction in the preceding semester (see current deadline above).

Note: COCI only notifies you if there is a problem with your submission.

4. Submit Class to DeCal

After submitting the packet to COCI, submit the class to DeCal so it can be listed on their website.

How to submit a class to the DeCal website

  1. Login into the DeCal Website.
  2. Click on ‘Dashboard’ on the upper right hand corner of the website.
  3. Click on the yellow ‘Submit a Course for Approval’ button.
  4. Follow the steps until completion of form.
  5. After submission, you should receive a confirmation email.
  6. Check your email for any status changes.
  7. You may go back and make edits to all course information, expect the Course Name, so make sure that it is correct in the beginning.
  8. Please check your email if your course is rejected and make edits according to comments. Please feel free to email us at if you have any further questions.


Be aware that the DeCal student organization has different deadlines and requirements than the Academic Senate (COCI).

5. Attend Training Workshop (first time facilitators)

All first-time student-facilitators must undergo training.  The Student Learning Center’s Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training and Resources unit (UCFTR) offers a number of workshops and one-on-one trainings each semester to support student facilitators.

Additionally, student facilitators may enroll in the Craft of Facilitating course,  CS 399 or EE 197, in order to get ongoing support and credit for their work.


1) How do I handle DeCal course enrollment and roster?

The Enrollment Manager is the person who creates the enrollment capacity for your class and designates how students will be able to enroll. You will work with the Enrollment Manager for any enrollment-related issues as well.

Once your proposal has been signed by the Chair, the Enrollment Manager will email you requesting information regarding course enrollment.

There are three ways enrollment can be handled for a DeCal class:

  • Open enrollment – this is first come, first enrolled no matter who the students are. No priority is given by major, no distinction is made between lower div, upper div or grad students. This method requires the least effort on your part but also allows the least control over enrollment.
  • Permission code distributed by facilitators– this is the most popular choice because it gives you the most flexibility and control. Enrollment is restricted to instructor consent on Cal Central. You can then create your own enrollment form outside Cal Central to help you determine who should get into the class. The Enrollment Manager provides you with SINGLE USE permission codes that you can distribute to approved students. They use these codes when they enroll into your class.

2) Can I receive teaching units for facilitating a DeCal course?

Yes. To get teaching credit for your DeCal, you need to enroll in the EE 197 or CS 399 section assigned to your faculty sponsor.  You MUST be listed as a Student Facilitator on the COCI-approved DeCal Proposal to receive teaching units.  Both classes are offered for 1-2 units. Facilitators enroll in units up to the unit value of the DeCal course they facilitate.

Complete the following 2 steps:

  1. After your class is set up in the system, the Enrollment Manager will email you a link to a spreadsheet where you can input the names, SID numbers, and number of units requested. The Enrollment Manager will use this list to manually process these requests during the adjustment period of enrollment.
  2. Provide a copy of this list to your instructor of record to ensure they know whom they will be approving grades for at the end of the semester.

3) How can I set up a bCourses course site?

Student Facilitators can set up their bCourses site. Instructions are provided in the DeCal Enrollment Guide that is sent after your proposal is approved.

4) Whom do I contact for help managing enrollments?

If you have a waitlist for your class and want to drop students who have enrolled but haven’t attended class, you can request a class roster from the Enrollment Manager to cross reference with your attendance records. The Enrollment Manager would need any list of students you wish to drop for non-attendance by no later than 5 pm Wednesday of the third week of class.

If you plan to drop students for non-attendance, you need to have communicated (in your syllabus and/or the class website) from the beginning of the semester that this is something you will do.

5) How do I submit grades for enrolled students at the semester’s end?

At the end of the semester, you can input the grades for your enrolled students in the system, and your Instructor of Record (faculty sponsor) will approve them.

6) Where can I get more information?