Staff Graduate Advisors

For CS doctoral students: Jean Nguyen

For EE doctoral students:

For masters students:  Michael Sun

Head Graduate Advisor

Prof. Ron Fearing. However, for most forms that need a signature from the “Head Graduate Advisor,” the Staff Graduate Advisor (Michael Sun or Jean Nguyen) should be the one to sign. In general, the Head Graduate Advisor may not be familiar with each individual student case and the Staff Graduate Advisor can verify the information.

Faculty Advisors

How do I find a faculty advisor?

Most students find a research advisor with little difficulty. For those who do encounter hardship, the least common reason is a lack of qualifications. Any professor is likely to be flattered by an invitation to supervise a student’s research, even if s/he feels compelled to decline the invitation. So students should be assertive and flexible. The sooner a student starts looking for an advisor, the easier it will be for them to retarget their research interests, should that prove necessary.

Can I change my faculty advisor?

Students are free to change their faculty advisor, and quite a few students do this between the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. However, it can be awkward to leave an advisor who has invested their time, energy, and financial support. The best way to avoid awkwardness and misunderstanding is to have free and open communication; students should always inform their advisor of their intentions.

What do I do when I change my faculty advisor?

If students find a faculty advisor, or want to change their faculty advisor, they should send an email to their Staff Graduate Advisor. The previous and new advisors should also be cc’ed on the email so everyone remains informed of the change. The Staff Graduate Advisor will make the change on the department database.

Can I have more than one faculty advisor?

The EECS department has no specific guidelines on whether a student should or should not have co-faculty advisors. The decision should be determined between the student and their faculty advisor. In some cases, there are students that already have co-faculty advisors. In other situations, some students prefer to only have one. If a student does wish to have more than one faculty advisor, they should notify their Staff Graduate Advisor who will update their database entry.

When should I worry about not having a permanent advisor yet?

All students should have a permanent advisor by the end of their second semester, and no later than the end of their third semester.