Information for Current Undergraduate Students
Information for Current Undergraduate Students
General Advice & Support
Tutoring and Counseling
Tutoring, counseling, and staying connected.
Faculty Advising
Description of process, FAQ, preparation, and contact information.
Scholarships for everyone, immigrants, underrepresented scholars, women scholars, and scholars currently or previously in the military. Tips for writing applications.
Preparing for Graduate School
Why go to grad school? L&S and Engineering preview programs, and recommended coursework.
Getting into CS Classes
How to get into lower division, upper division, and graduate CS classes, based on who you are.
Getting into EE Classes
Enrollment priorities for EECS 16A & B, and upper division or graduate EE classes.
Facilitating EECS DeCal Courses
Process for creating EECS DeCal courses: deadlines and preparation, review, approval, and submission of proposal packets.
Resources for Underrepresented Students
Announcements, research opportunities, grad school application and support programs, personal and academic advising and support, scholarships, campus programs, internships, career prep, free tutoring, and student organizations for underrepresented students in EECS.
EECS Majors
EECS Major Information
Lower and upper division requirements, sample study plans, advising, junior transfers, double majors, change of majors.
CS Major Information
Transfer prerequisites, sample programs, lower and upper division requirements, advising, commencement, declaring the major and appeal process, FAQ, getting into CS classes.
Research Resources & CPT
Undergraduate Research
How to approach and prepare for student research opportunities, and links to EECS undergraduate research programs.
A student run makerspace located in 246 Cory Hall.
Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley.
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
CPT is a type of off-campus work permission for F-1 international students who are currently pursuing study programs in the United States and want to gain experience in their fields of study.
Special Programs
Honors Degree Program
Honors students pursue an academic concentration outside of the department, engage in research, receive a special faculty advisor, and are invited to special events with faculty and EECS Honors alumni.
Accel Scholars Program
A joint program run by Silicon Valley venture capital firm Accel and EECS. Provides access to Silicon Valley, personalized mentorship, and industry-relevant curriculum.
CS Scholars Program
A supportive network for CS students from under-resourced and low opportunity communities.
Undergraduate Minors
Information about the Engineering CS and EECS minors, and the Electronic Intelligent Systems (EIS) minor.
Study Abroad Program
Why study abroad? Timeline and preparation for EECS students who would like to study in another country.
Women in EECS
Pathways for women studying EECS, the 1-week CS Kickstart summer program for incoming freshmen, and support and mentorship organizations.
EECS Resiliency Project
Hear from EECS students and faculty about how to be more flexible and adaptable when confronting stress, and how to successfully bounce back from set-backs and obstacles. Links to resilience and support resources.