Joseph Gier Memorial

Checks made payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation may be mailed to:

University of California, Berkeley
EECS External Relations
Attn: EECS Gier Project
231 Cory Hall, #1770
Berkeley, CA 94720


Ned Birdsall

Checks made payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation may be mailed to:

University of California, Berkeley
Donor and Gift Services
Attn: The Charles K. (Ned) Birdsall Graduate Research Fund
1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
Berkeley, CA 94704-1070

Ernest Kuh

There are two ways to provide support to honor Ernie’s memory:

Make a donation to the Ernest S Kuh Distinguished Lecture Series.  A check made payable to Berkeley Engineering Fund – with “for Kuh Distinguished Lecture fund” in the memo line – can be sent to:

Berkeley Engineering Fund
College of Engineering
201 McLaughlin Hall, #1722
Berkeley, CA 94720-1722

Make a donation to the UC Berkeley Alumni Chinese Chapter Ernest Kuh Leadership Scholarship.   A check made payable to California Alumni Association – with “for Professor Ernest Kuh Alumni Scholarship” in the memo line – can be sent to:

Cal Alumni Association
1 Alumni House
Berkeley, CA 94720-7520

Chittor (C.V.) Ramamoorthy

Checks made payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation may be mailed to:

University of California, Berkeley
Donor and Gift Services
Attn: The C.V. Ramamoorthy Graduate Fellowship Fund
1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
Berkeley, CA 94704-1070

George Turin

Donations may be made to the Helen Green Turin Memorial Fund by making a gift on the College Prep Annual Fund website and adding “For the Helen Green Turin Memorial Fund” in the note field.

Or checks can be made out to College Prep (with a note on the check specifying the fund name) and sent to:
Att: Sara Sackner
The College Preparatory School
6100 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94618

George’s family will be notified when a gift has been made.

Robert Wilensky

The family would deeply appreciate that gifts be made to the:

Wilensky Children’s Education Fund
c/o Ann Danforth
P.O. Box 8586
1831 Solano Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94707

Memorial donations may also be sent to a campus fellowship fund that supports graduate student research. Checks made payable to UC Berkeley can be sent to:

The Professor Robert Wilensky Fellowship Fund
University of California, Berkeley
College of Engineering
201 McLaughlin Hall, MC #1722
Berkeley, CA 94720-1722

Donations to this fund may also be made online through the Berkeley giving site.

Alumni Who Have Made Significant Contributions to EECS

Floraine Berthouzoz

A memorial fund has been set up on Floraine’s behalf to donate funds to the CS KickStart Program. To donate to that fund:

  1. Go to the Berkeley giving site
  2. Select: “I am giving in memory of someone” and enter “Floraine Berthouzoz.”
  3. Complete the required fields on the form.
  4. (Optional) To receive information needed to claim this donation as tax-deductible within the US, complete the form

Questions about any of these memorials may be directed to: