My EECS Info is the interface faculty use to update their department home page and research information.  This information is tied to the ACG database system.  Staff who are in the faculty directory database as assistants for a particular faculty member have access to edit information for that faculty.

There is a link to My EECS Info at the bottom of every department web page in the Resources column.


If would like to add or change a photo on your web page, please send a large format .jpg version to:


Updates to faculty and research information:

Questions about graduate student information: EE: / CS:

Questions about web pages and databases:


Clicking the icon next to Faculty Info lets you see and edit your directory information and everything else that shows up on your departmental faculty homepage.

The links in bold type (student award nomination form, etc.) go to helpful information or are pointers to other apps.  They are not part of the My EECS Info system.