Guide for Prospective ASEs (Academic Student Employees)
Teaching is an integral part to solidifying one’s own grasp of a subject. We catalyze the learning experience by providing teaching opportunities to both our graduate and undergraduate students, to support our course staff, share ideas, and inspire advances in teaching, learning, and research.
Apply for Spring 2025
Applications for Spring 2025 are now open.
The priority deadline is October 18, 2024.
Students must apply directly through the EECS ASE application system in order to be considered for a position. Only official ASE appointments offered by the Department and finalized by ERSO will count towards the teaching requirement. Verbal or email offers from hiring faculty or course staff are not considered official offers.
If you are interested in applying for an ASE position for a Data Science course, please visit the Joining Data Course Staff web page. Contact ds-ase@berkeley.edu if you have any questions about ASE positions for Data Science courses.
Requirements for First-Time TAs (GSIs) and UCS2s
First-time GSIs (TAs) and UCS2s during Summer Sessions 2025 are required to enroll into and complete a pedagogy course prior to Summer Sessions. Potential candidates for these appointments should complete CS 370 or an equivalent pedagogical seminar on teaching before Summer Sessions 2025. The Summer Sessions hiring process will consider only applicants who have completed the pedagogy course requirement for GSI (TA) and UCS2 appointments.
All first-time GSIs (TAs) and UCS2s (including appointments during fall and spring semesters as well as Summer Sessions) must fulfill the following requirements which are overseen by the GSI Teaching and Resource Center:
- Attend the First-Time GSI Teaching & Resource Center Conference.
- Complete the GSI Professional Standards & Ethics Online Course. Please note, per the May 2, 2016, revised Graduate Council’s memo on Appointments and Mentoring of Graduate Student Instructors, every first-time GSI must complete the online course Professional Standards and Ethics for GSIs before they interact with students (in person or online) in their role as an instructor.
- Either have completed or be enrolled in a 300-level semester-long pedagogy seminar on teaching in the discipline offered by the department. First-time GSIs (TAs) and UCS2s who fail to pass the 300-level course must retake and pass the course before they are eligible to teach again.
UCS2 Partial Fee Remission Information
During the academic year, EECS UCS2s (Undergraduate Course Staff 2s) are eligible for a prorated partial fee remission based on the appointment percentage of the value of the full fee remission guaranteed under Article 11 – Fee Remission of the UAW 2865 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
UCS2 Fee Remission Structure
Appointment Percentage | Fee Remission Percentage |
20% | 40% |
25% | 50% |
30% | 60% |
Above 30% | 100% |
Upcoming Events
In accordance with campus-wide policies pertaining to Academic Student Employees (ASEs), all first-time EECS GSIs (TAs) as well as Undergraduate Course Staff 2s must attend the following events before interacting with students in-person or online in their role as an ASE. UCS2s are also required to complete the GSI Professional Standards & Ethics Online Course as specified below.
- GSI Teaching Conference Please check the teaching center’s website to pre-register for the teaching conference.
- ASE Orientation Dates All first-time ASEs are required to attend the New ASE Orientation over Zoom with representatives from UAW 4811, the union representing all ASEs at UC Berkeley.
- GSI Professional Standards & Ethics Online Course Completion of this course is required for all first-time UCS2s before teaching at UC Berkeley.
As an ASE, it is your responsibility to stay informed about your rights, protections, and benefits as an ASE under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which represents GSIs (TAs), UCS2s, Readers, and UCS1s.

GSI (TA) Selection Process
Staff GSI Coordinators will be responsible for all GSI (TA) and UCS2 hiring. Offers from faculty or course staff are not official. Official offers will be issued from the staff coordinators. After faculty requests have been fulfilled, the search begins to assign students to classes without faculty requests.
First Priority
EECS graduate students have the highest priority. Among them, students with guaranteed GSI (TA) appointments are granted first priority, followed by students who must fulfill the teaching requirement for the PhD program. Other candidates with priority include EECS graduate students with demonstrated financial support, as well as candidates requested by faculty.
Second Priority
Graduate students from other departments.
Third Priority
Undergraduates — having taken the very courses they will teach, our own undergraduates are quite often excellent course staff.
Non-Native English Speaker GSI (TA)/ UCS2 English Proficiency Requirement
All prospective GSIs (TAs)/ UCS2s who do not speak English as a native language must pass a spoken English proficiency test before they may serve as UCS2s. Candidates who hold a B.A., B.S., or other Bachelor’s level degree from an institution in the United States are exempt from this requirement. This policy applies to all prospective GSIs (TAs)/ UCS2s, regardless of citizenship, country of origin, residency status, or subject taught. Those who do not speak English as a native language may satisfy this requirement by passing a language test on the Berkeley campus.
A passing score on one of these tests must be obtained before candidates may be appointed as GSIs (TAs)/ UCS2s.
To determine if you have satisfied the English Language Requirement, you can take the English Language Proficiency Questionnaire.
EECS GSI (TA) Opportunities
For questions or concerns regarding GSI (TA) appointments, please contact the Graduate Support Team at gsicoordinators@eecs.berkeley.edu
General EECS ASE Inquiries
Please contact the EECS ASE Program Team at ase-program@eecs.berkeley.edu
Academic Interns
The Academic Intern program is currently under review. More information about Academic Intern opportunities will be shared in the near future.
For detailed information regarding all Academic Appointments on campus (including requirements, fee remission, etc.), please consult Grad Division Teaching and Research Appointments. To learn more about the ASE hiring process, please see the ASE Program Hiring Pipeline.
Students can also refer to the GSI Teaching and Resource Center as an additional resource for teaching workshops and certifications.