Our Alumni
The 2024 Distinguished EECS Alumni Awards honored Nancy Amato, David Allstot, Richard Muray, Lars Rasmussen, and Kishore Seendripu at a private ceremony at the Faculty Club on May 7th, 2024.
Luminaries and Pioneers
Berkeley EE and CS alumni continue to excel as leaders and innovators in their fields.
Distinguished Alumni
Awards, honors, distinctions, and noteworthy events pertaining to our alumni.
A Message to EECS Alumni
We hope that you will continue to maintain your connection with Cal and specifically, with our department, one of the finest academic and research institutions in the world. Here are some opportunities:
- Update your information and connect with fellow alumni in the College of Engineering or the College of Letters & Science
- Please consider Giving To EECS. Your financial contributions will continue to sustain the department’s mission and our students.
- Let your employer know the value of your Cal degree and consider becoming involved with our student recruitment program.
- Spend a Wednesday afternoon at the EECS Colloquium where prominent and inspiring speakers address the most engaging and pressing problems of the day.
- Subscribe to the EECS Announcements mailing list to keep up on current events in the department.
- Get involved in technical seminars in your field
- Offer us feedback about how the EECS website can better serve you as an alum
- If you have an idea for an innovative contribution, please contact alumni-relations@eecs.berkeley.edu.
We deeply appreciate your support and involvement in the life of the department.