Academic Personnel Information
Faculty Merit and Promotion Reviews
Your Upcoming Faculty Review (.doc .pdf)
Outlines the information needed from you for your review case.
Academic Personnel at Berkeley Electronic Achievement and Review System
Academic Personnel Manual
UC System-wide policies on academic personnel.
BMAP – Berkeley Manual on Academic Personnel
Overview of UC and Berkeley policies for faculty appointment, advancement, & retention
Reporting Outside Activities /
UC Conflict of Commitment Policy and Procedure
Reporting and Prior Approval Forms (.doc)
All UC faculty must now file annual reports relating to “Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members” (APM 025). “Category I” activities requiring prior approval are: taking an executive/managerial role in a company or becoming a salaried employee outside UC, engaging in outside teaching or grant activity in which you have a financial interest, involving students in outside activities in which you have a financial interest. Note that in all categories, only 39 days of outside activities may be engaged in during the academic year.
Prior Approval form for anticipated Category I activities (.doc)
Use the other form, “Reporting,” for reporting THE PAST YEAR’s Category I and II activities (the past year is July 1 through June 30 just past).
College of Engineering Addendum to APM 025 (doc)
Going On Leave
Leave Information for EECS Faculty
Department Policy on Faculty Sabbaticals, Research, Industrial and Other Leaves
From the EECS Department Chair, 4/6/99
Leave Request Form (pdf)
Contains Sabbatical and Long-Term Leave information (long-term = 7 calendar days or more).
Short-Term Leave Request Form (Google form)
For absence of 7 calendar days or less: required by the University.
“Active Service / Modified Duties” Request Form (.doc)
Not a leave per se, ASMD is “a period of time when normal duties are reduced, in consultation with the Chair.” The form requires (1) a statement of what you and your Chair have agreed your modified duties will be and (2) your signed certification that “I have 50% or more responsibility for the care of my newly born or adopted child during the [ASMD] period.”
Faculty Recruitment
Faculty Position Advertisements
Benefits at UC
At Your Service
Review your UC Benefits, Enrollments, paycheck stubs, tax withholding, and W-2.
Mortgage Origination Program
MOP Home Loans for New Ladder Faculty.
UCNet Benefits
UC employee benefits information.
Other Resources
Committee on Research
Annual research funding opportunities from the Academic Senate.
Parking and Transportation at UC Berkeley
Campus Directory
Find people and create/update your listing in the CalNet Directory.
My EECS Info
Edit your profile and research information on the department web site. Also access grad student reviews.
Building Policies and Space Management
For Cory and Soda Halls.
Faculty Handbook
Published by UC Office of the President.
Heaven Point Formula
Weighting factors in evaluating teaching workloads.
Office Hours Policy
Time and Frequency recommendations.
Grading Guidelines for Graduate and Undergraduate EECS Courses