5th Year M.S. Student Guide
Orientation will take place on campus in late August, and attendance is mandatory. This is an important time for the cohort to build community and receive important information. The schedule will be posted online and also sent via email in early August. If you do not receive emails regarding this matter, please contact gradadmissions@eecs.berkeley.edu.
Schedule Timeline
Once students are admitted to the program (and accept our offer of admission), the timeline below represents a typical timeline for a student starting in the fall semester.*IMPORTANT*–ALL courses toward the degree should be taken for a letter grade, except for 299 research units, which should be taken S/U.
Fall (1st MS semester) | Spring (2nd MS semester) |
Common Forms
- Course Planning Sheet – due by end of 2nd week first semester (Fall)
- General Petition – for backdating, for GSI hiring, and any exceptional requests
- EECS Application for Candidacy Form – due by end of 2nd week second semester (Spring)