To submit your thesis or report, you must be registered or on Filing Fee.

In the EECS Department, Plan II’s Project Report replaces the “Comprehensive Examination” referred to in university documents and forms. Likewise, there is no examination for Plan I, and you file a thesis instead.

If you’re filing for both an M.S. and the Ph.D., you must file your M.S. report or thesis before you file your dissertation (and the dates on the M.S. signature page must be earlier than those on the dissertation signature page), though you can file both in the same semester.


  • PLAN I (THESIS): (Refer to the Graduate Division’s guidelines on Thesis Filing Guidelines)
    • Log into your CalCentral account. Under Student Resources in your Dashboard find Submit a Form and choose Final Signature Submission. Double check that you have followed the Graduate Division guidelines exactly.
    • 1 copy (including signature and abstract) uploaded to the EECS Department Website online submission form.
    • You must also submit to the Masters Graduate Student Advisor  the following documents: (1) a copy of the signed signature page, (2) a copy/printout of the title page, and (3) a copy/printout of the abstract.
    • Produce an M.S. Plan II Title/Signature Page. See sample title page;
    • There is no special formatting required for the body of the Plan II MS report (unlike the Plan I MS thesis which must follow strict Graduate Division guidelines);
    • 1 copy (including signature page and abstract) uploaded to the EECS Department Website online submission form.
    • You must also submit to the Masters Graduate Student Advisor the following documents: (1) the signed signature page, and (2) a copy/printout of the abstract.
    • 1 copy to your Research Advisor (optional);

Filing Fee Status

If you want to use the Filing Fee option:

  • It may be used only once in your graduate career.
  • You must have been registered in the semester (or in a Summer Session) immediately preceding the one for which you are applying for Filing Fee status.
  • You must submit the Filing Fee Application by the end of the first week of classes for the semester in which you intend to complete your degree.
  • You cannot be a GSI or a GSR during the semester  you’re on Filing Fee.
  • Once you’ve been approved, you will be on Filing Fee status until the last day of the semester, please check the Academic Calendar for the exact date.