Diversity Milestones
Year | Event |
1876 | Elizabeth Bragg graduates from Berkeley as a Civil Engineer, the first woman graduate |
1894 | Julia Morgan graduates from the College of Mechanics |
1900-1940 | In 40 years, only 2 women earn engineering degrees |
1940-1950 | With the onset of World War II, thirteen women receive engineering degrees from Berkeley |
1950-1960 | Fourteen women graduate with engineering degrees from Berkeley |
1969 | Kawthar Zaki earns the first doctorate in Electrical Engineering, now Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland |
1971 | Susan Graham appointed Assistant Professor of Computer Science (which was in L&S) |
1976 | Susan Graham promoted to Associate Professor of Computer Science with tenure |
1977 | WICSE is founded by graduate students in Computer Science, including Paula Hawthorn, Diane McEntyre, Barbara Simons, Mary Ann Niemat, Susan Eggers, Deborah Estrin |
1978 | “Working in Engineering and Computer Science: A Conference for Women” attracts 800 women and launches a Berkeley women’s program in engineering |
1980 | “Options in Engineering: A Conference for Women Students” sponsored by WICSE, College of Engineering, and Women’s Center |
1982 | “Options in Engineering and Science: A Conference for Women Students” sponsored by WICSE, SWE, College of Engineering |
1983 | Computer Science Reentry Program established at Berkeley in the Computer Science Division |
1985 | Professor Mildred Dresselhaus, Dr. Ruth Davis appointed Regents’ Professors in EECS |
1986 | Dr. Jeanne Ferrante, IBM Watson Research Center, appointed NSF Visiting Professor in CS |
1987 | Professor Mary Lou Soffa, University of Pittsburgh, NSF Visiting Professor in CS |
1987 | WICSE Tenth Anniversary Conference and Celebration “The First Decade: The Next Decade,” Professor Mildred Dresselhaus, MIT, Keynote Speaker |
1988 | Professor Avideh Zakhor appointed in EE |
1991 | WICSE “Forum on Women in Academia” |
1992 | Professor Katherine Yelick appointed in CS |
1992 | Association of Undergraduate Women in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (AUWICSEE) founded in EECS by women undergraduates; office space allocated in Cory Hall |
1993 | “Women in Engineering Conference at Berkeley” sponsored by WICSE, Intel Foundation, EECS Department, College of Engineering, and attracts 300 participants |
1993 | Shafi Goldwasser wins her first Godel Prize |
1994 | CS Reentry Program celebrates first decade |
1994 | EECS Faculty pass the Parent Policy allowing graduate student parents to modify their academic program |
1994 | Berkeley EECS sends 12 women to Grace Murray Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Washington, D.C. |
1995 | Dr. Ljiljana Trajkovic and Dr. Anita Flynn appointed as Visiting Faculty in Electrical Engineering; Women’s Display Case in Cory Hall remodeled |
1996 | Professors Constance Chang-Hasnain and Tsu-Jae King appointed to EE |
1996 | CS Re-entry Program phased out because of Proposition 209 |
1996 | Shafi Goldwasser wins Gracy Murray Hopper Award |
1997 | WICSE 20th Anniversary, November 14, 1997 |
1998-2000 | Dr. Barbara Simons (Ph.D. ’81) President, Association of Computing Machinery |
1999 | Six EECS women grads attend CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshop, Atlanta, GA |
1999 | Dr. Janice Hudgings, EE, wins Optical Society Prize, named Professor at Mount Holyoke |
1999 | Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Residence Hall opens its doors to undergraduate women |
1999 | Dr. Sheila Humphreys wins A Nico HAbermann Award of CRA |
2000 | Berkeley sends 15 women to Grace Murray Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Cape Cod, MA |
2000-2001 | Distinguished Women speak at EECS Colloquium: |
Professor Deborah Estrin, UCLA | |
Professor Francine Berman, UCSD | |
Professor Susan Eggers, University of Washington | |
Professor Mary Gray Baker, Stanford University | |
Professor Barbara Liskov, MIT | |
Professor Valerie Taylor, Northwestern University | |
2001 | Shafi Goldwasser wins her second Godel Prize |
2002 | EECS Diversity Programs win 2002 WEPAN Women in Engineering Program Award (WIEP) |
2002 | Professor Maria Klawe (Princeton) speaks to WICSE as Regent’s Professor |
2002 | Professor Barbara Grosz (Harvard) visits EECS as McKay Professor of CS |
2002 | Grace Hopper Conference: 23 EECS Students attend; grads present a Panel Discussion of women’s issues, Vancouver, Canada |
2002 | Professor Valerie Taylor wins COE’s Outstanding Young Leader Award |
2003 | Professor Dawn Tilbury wins COE Outstanding Young Leader Award |
2003 | Professor Belle Wei named Dean of Engineering, San Jose State University |
2003 | Wicse celebrates 25th Anniversary Celebration, UC Berkeley |
2004 | Professor Ruzena Bajcsy named CRA Distinguished Professor |
2005 | Professor Margo Seltzer named Harvard College Professor and Asoc. Dean for Computer Science ; Prof. Barbara Grosz asked by Pres. Lawrence Summers to lead Task Force on Women and Science |
2005 | Dr. Barbara Simons first woman to receive UCB College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award |
2007 | Dawn Song appointed Assistant Professor of CS |
2007 | 17 Berkeley students and Prof. Susan Graham attend Hopper Conference, Orlando Florida |
2008 | WICSE celebrates 30th Anniversary |
2008 | Frances Allen, 2006 Turing Award Winner, is EECS Regents’ Lecturer |
2008 | Bin Yu takes joint faculty appointment in EE (joined Statistics faculty in 1993) |
2011 | Sylvia Ratnasamy joins CS faculty, Ana Claudia Arias joins EE faculty |
2012 | Laura Waller and Alexandra von Meier join EE faculty |
2012 | Dr. Sheila Humphreys wins the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) |
2012 | Shafi Goldwasser wins the ACM Turing Award |
2015 | Raluca Ada Popa joins CS faculty, Gireeja Ranade joins EE faculty |
2016 | Anca Dragan joins CS faculty, Rikky Muller joins EE faculty |
2017 | Somayeh Sojoudi joins EE faculty |
2018 | Shafi Goldwasse and, Jennifer Listgarten join CS faculty. Goldwasser is also named director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing |
List created by Sheila Humphreys.