Berkeley boosts female computing grads
Assistant Teaching Prof. John DeNero and CS major Tammy Nguyen are featured in a Mercury News article titled “Forget tech’s bad bros: Stanford, Berkeley boost female computing grads.” Between 2010 and 2017, UC Berkeley doubled the percentage of women receiving degrees in CS, from 11% to 22%, which runs counter to a national trend in which the proportion of women receiving degrees in computer and information sciences dropped from a high of 37% in 1984 to about 18% in 2016. DeNero talks about some of the hurdles women must overcome if they are interested in pursuing careers in computer science. The problems facing women in the tech industry, brought to light by the “Me Too” movement, is a concern. “It comes up even on the first day of class,” he said. “The students are very keen to talk about it, understand it. They really want to know, ‘Are all companies the same? Is this something I’m going to see everywhere?’” Berkeley has taken a number of steps to improve the representation of women in the field. “We have invested a lot of time and energy in figuring out what our introductory curriculum should look like, how we teach our courses, and in particular what kind of support mechanisms can we put in place to make sure that somebody who wants to study computer science has a good chance of being successful,” he said.