EECS 150W: Sheila Humphreys and WiCSE

In celebration of 150 Years of Women at Berkeley, the EECS Director Emerita of Diversity (and Berkeley 150W History Project co-chair) Sheila Humphreys tells the story of Women in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (WiCSE), the first student group at an American university created to support and increase the number of women in those fields. WiCSE was born when the political foment of 1970s Berkeley met the burgeoning field of computer science in Evans Hall. Humphreys charts WiCSE’s path from the formation of the first women’s clubs at Berkeley one hundred years before, to its 40th reunion in 2018. WICSE has established itself as a permanent force in EECS: a powerful voice for women students, a model of peer engagement and support, and a pipeline for women into the fields of EE and CS. Humphreys’ life-long mission to diversify the global population of computer scientists and engineers is the subject of July’s Notable Women of EECS profile.