Donald J. Hoffman on the need to diversify fuel sources

EE alumnus and retired Air Force general Donald J. Hoffman (M.S. ’75) was interviewed by the Midwest Energy News for an article titled “Q&A: Retired Air Force general on the need to diversify fuel sources.” Hoffman spent 42 years in the military as a pilot and manager of Air Force weapon systems from bases around the world. He retired in 2012 as a four-star general and now focuses on energy security and climate change as a member of the CNA Military Advisory Board (MAB), a group of retired three and four star generals from across every branch of the U.S. military. He was interviewed in April, when he participated in meetings with the Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum, which is focused on clean energy and energy efficiency. Hoffman stressed the importance of moving to non-traditional fuels to lessen our dependence on foreign suppliers, and discussed renewable energies and govenment policy.