EECS B.S. Junior Transfers
The department is pleased to welcome junior transfer students who have demonstrated academic excellence at a previous institution. For information about applying to transfer, please see our admissions page.
As an admitted Junior Transfer student, your first priority is to complete the lower-division courses from the freshman/sophomore year curriculum that you were unable to take at your previous institution. EECS transfer students are usually missing at least 3 lower-division courses at the time of admission so it commonly takes two semesters (and possibly a summer) before they are ready to start the upper-division courses. The College of Engineering automatically approves a fifth semester for any transfer student admitted missing three or more lower-division requirements for their major.
Taking more than two technical courses during your first semester at UC Berkeley is not advisable.
Courses numbered 100 or above are considered “upper-division”. We do not recommend skipping the lower-division courses and jumping right into upper-division classes, however if you are only missing one lower-division course, you can take upper-division courses your first semester.
Junior transfers who have received partial credit for certain lower division courses, including CS 61A, CS 61B, and CS 61C taken at a community college may petition to complete the courses through supplementary work in CS 47A, CS 47B, or CS 47C. Additionally, students who have completed an articulated linear algebra course may be permitted to take EECS 47D to fulfill the EECS 16A requirement. For more information about bridge courses, please review this page and check with your Engineering Student Services Adviser in 230 Bechtel.
A student with junior-level status must take any remaining lower and upper-division technical courses required for the EECS major here at UC Berkeley.
EECS undergraduate junior transfer, Tina Taleb, discussing her project at the 2018 SUPERB/URISE REU poster session