Graduate Student Review Skills List
To be used as a guide for discussion.
Research and Scholarship Skills
- What evidence do you have that the student has learned the core material in their field? Does (s)he keep up with the current developments in this field, and evaluate them independently and critically?
- How has s/he demonstrated their ability to successfully carry out research?
- Is s/he able to judge their own results, experimental or theoretical, critically and objectively?
- Has (s)he learned how to acquire new knowledge or skills on their own?
- What research skills (e.g., analysis, synthesis, creativity, initiative, follow-through) are this student’s strengths and weaknesses? If there are any weaknesses, what steps can be /are being taken to remedy them?
Interaction Skills
- Does the student work well independently, but ask for guidance when necessary?
- Does (s)he contribute to group discussions (oral or email)? Does (s)he give others substantive feedback in oral presentations and papers? Does (s)he engage in discussion, dispute and sometimes criticism without taking or giving offense unnecessarily?
- Has (s)he had enough opportunities to practice collaboration and leadership (i.e., within the research group, the department, or the outside research community)? Does (s)he collaborate effectively with colleagues (e.g., is cooperative, dependable, considerate, fair)?
- What interaction skills are the student’s strengths and weaknesses? If there are any weaknesses, what steps can be/are being taken to help remedy them?