You can post an event to the EECS Event Calendar using the event submission form. Events on the EECS calendar will appear on the EECS home page and the wall displays in Cory and Soda Halls.

Event Criteria

An event will be accepted to the calendar only if it is submitted by a member of the EECS department (student, staff, or faculty) and/or  meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • the event is in Cory, Soda, or Jacobs Hall
  • the event is sponsored directly by the EECS department
  • the event is sponsored by a research group or center within the EECS department (a group is considered in the department if more than half of the Principal Investigators are EECS department faculty)
  • a member of the EECS department is being honored at a campus event
  • a member of the EECS faculty is the primary speaker at a campus event
  • the event is part of an EE or CS course

If you do not fit this criteria but would like to notify our students of an event, please send it to:

Members of the EECS department can also post events to the mail list.

If you have any questions about the EECS event calendar, please contact

Form Submission

You will be asked for your CalNet ID and passphrase before you can access the form. When you fill it out, you must include a public contact phone number or email address for general information.

If EECS is not the primary sponsor of your event, be sure to select and add the EECS department in the “Recommend that these calendars publish your event” field.

Access Coordinators are now required for all EECS department events to ensure that anyone who requires special accommodations can attend.  See more information about designating an Access Coordinator.

The EECS calendar will usually publish your event within one business day. You may edit events that you previously submitted via the online form.

Please note that your login session with the event submission form will time out after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you are interrupted or otherwise delayed in submitting your event, you will need to log in again to re-enter your event. If you are running out of time, press the “submit” button to let the system know that you are still there. Your 30 minutes will start over and you can continue to edit the event.

You may at any time edit a previously submitted event. To flag an event as “canceled”, open the section “Event Status, Audience, Image Upload & Details” and select “Canceled” from the options under “Status.”