
Dedicated to hosting presentations at the intersection of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the EECS Colloquium offers a mix of short talks by faculty describing their latest research results as well as internationally distinguished speakers.  It provides an opportunity for an exchange of ideas between our department’s community and the outside world.

Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 PM, HP Auditorium, 306 Soda Hall (unless otherwise noted)
Light refreshments served at 3:30 pm

Subscribe to the eecs-announce mailing list through the web interface or via email so you can be apprised of upcoming talks.


 Dave Patterson, Google, and UC Berkeley

 A Decade of Machine Learning Accelerators: Lessons Learned and Carbon Footprint

 Youtube Webinar

 September 7, 2022

 Eli Yablonovitch, UC Berkeley

 Physics does Constrained Optimization (for Free); A New Approach Toward Computation

 Youtube Webinar

 September 21, 2022

 Yann LeCun, Meta-FAIR & New York University

 From Machine Learning to Autonomous Intelligence

 Banatao Auditorium, 310 Sutardja Dai Hall

 Youtube Webinar

 September 27, 2022

 David Duvenaud, University of Toronto

 When should we make our models continuous in time?

 Youtube Webinar

 October 5, 2022

 Ali Javey, UC Berkeley

 Wearable Sweat Sensors – Towards big data for human health

 Youtube Webinar

 October 12, 2022

No talk this week

 October 19, 2022

 Gabriel Loh, AMD Research

 Silicon Cityscapes

 Youtube Webinar

 October 26, 2022

 Amin Vahdat, Google Systems and Services Infrastructure

 Reinventing Computing: How necessity will transform next-generation infrastructure

 Youtube Webinar

 November 2, 2022



 Youtube Webinar

 November 9, 2022

 Antonio Torralba, MIT

 Learning to see without real images

 Youtube Webinar

 November 16, 2022


November 23, 2022

 Bill Dally, NVIDIA

 Trends in Deep Learning Hardware

 Youtube Webinar

 November 30, 2022

 Yaser Sheikh, Meta Reality Labs

 What is a Codec Avatar?

 Youtube Webinar

 December 7, 2022