Yang “Linda” Huang launches new novel: My Good Son

EECS Instructional Support Group (ISG) systems administrator Yang “Linda” Huang, has just published her third book, My Good Son (University of New Orleans Press, May 2021). The novel, described as “layered, evocative and engaging” by Ms Magazine, had been selected for the University of New Orleans (UNO) Publishing Lab Prize “for the best unpublished novel or short story collection” by authors from around the world. Like Huang’s previous work, “My Good Son” focuses on the generational and cultural complexities of post-Tiananmen Chinese family life. The story centers on a traditional Chinese father striving for the success of his son, and explores “the parallels and differences of American and Chinese cultures―father-son relationships, familial expectations, sexuality, social mobility, and privilege.” “My Good Son” was reviewed by both the New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. Huang, who was featured in the Chinese Literature Podcast on June 4th, will be participating in a Virtual Launch at Booksmith on June 9th, where she will engage in a conversation with author Kaitlin Solimine.