Umesh Vazirani wins SIGecom Test-Of-Time Award

EECS Professor Umesh Vazirani has won the 2024 ACM SIGecom Test 0f Time Award.
The SIGecom Test of Time Award honors the author or authors of a seminal paper or series of papers published between ten and twenty-five years ago, which has had a profound impact on research or applications, illustrating the intersection of economics and computation.
Vazirani, along with co-authors Aranyak Mehta, who is now a research scientist at Google, Amin Saberi, a Professor of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford, and Vijay Vazirani, a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at UC Irvine were cited “for introducing and solving a model of online matching with budgets that has seen many practical applications to online markets and broad and continuing impact in the literature.”
Umesh Vazirani’s primary research interests are in quantum computing. He is the Roger A. Strauch Professor of EECS and the co-director of the Berkeley Quantum Computation Center (BQIC)