Two EECS papers win 2019 ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Awards
Two papers co-authored by Berkeley EECS authors won ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Awards at the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA) 2019. “Duet: An Expressive Higher-Order Language and Linear Type System for Statically Enforcing Differential Privacy” co-authored by Prof. Dawn Song (Ph.D. ’02, advisor: Doug Tygar), graduate student Lun Wang, undergraduate researcher Pranav Gaddamadugu, and alumni Neel Somani (CS B.A. ’19), Nikhil Sharma (EECS B.S. ’18/M.S. ’19), and Alex Shan (CS B.A. ’18), along with researchers in Vermont and Utah, and “Aroma: Code Recommendation via Structural Code Search” co-authored by Prof. Koushik Sen (along with authors at Facebook and UC Irvine), won two of the five honors awarded at the top programming language conference, part of the ACG SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) in October.