Pieter Abbeel on building A.I. that can build A.I.

Prof. Pieter Abbeel is featured in a New York Times article titled “Building A.I. That Can Build A.I.,” about how Google and others, in competition for a small pool of qualified researchers, are looking for automated ways to deal with a shortage of artificial intelligence experts. The key might be to build algorithms that analyze the development of other algorithms, learning which methods are successful and which are not–leading to more effective machine learning. This could help companies build systems with artificial intelligence even if they don’t have extensive expertise in that area. Abbeel and his team demonstrate techniques that could allow robots to learn new tasks based on what they have learned in the past. “Computers are going to invent the algorithms for us, essentially,” said Abbeel. “Algorithms invented by computers can solve many, many problems very quickly — at least that is the hope.”