

June 9, 2021

Jennifer Chayes wins 2020 ACM Distinguished Service Award

CS Prof. Jennifer Chayes, who is also the Associate Provost for the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), is the recipient of the 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Service Award.  She was selected for the award, which recognizes outstanding career-long “contributions to the computing community at…


June 7, 2021

Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker donate $50M for construction of new CDSS building

CS Profs. Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker have each donated $25M toward the construction of The Gateway, the new building that will house the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS).  The Gateway is conceived as “a planned nexus for collaborative, integrated data science and computing education and research…


June 7, 2021

Yang “Linda” Huang launches new novel: My Good Son

EECS Instructional Support Group (ISG) systems administrator Yang “Linda” Huang, has just published her third book, My Good Son (University of New Orleans Press, May 2021).  The novel, described as “layered, evocative and engaging” by Ms Magazine, had been selected for the University of New Orleans (UNO) Publishing Lab Prize…


June 1, 2021

EECS department welcomes new leadership

The EECS department will be welcoming three new chairs, all of whom are EECS alumni, to guide the department for the next two years.  The new tripartite structure reflects the growth and changing needs of the department, which has been managed by a two-person leadership team for over 20 years.

Shankar Sastry

June 1, 2021

Shankar Sastry wins 2021 ASME Rufus Oldenburger Medal

EECS Prof. S. Shankar Sastry has won the 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Rufus Oldenburger Medal for significant contributions and outstanding achievements to the field and profession of automatic control.  Sastry, who was dean of Berkeley Engineering for over ten years, was cited “For fundamental contributions to the…


May 26, 2021

NLP team helps a computer win the 2021 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament

A team at the Berkeley Natural Language Processing Group (NLP) helped augment an AI system named “Dr. Fill” that has won the 2021 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (ACPT).  This is the first time in the contest’s history that an AI has trumped its human competitors.  The team, which included CS…


May 21, 2021

EECS Faculty votes to drop GRE requirement indefinitely

After intensive debate spanning 2020 and 2021, and careful analysis of a trial cycle of GRE-free admissions for Fall 2021, the EECS Department has voted to drop the GRE requirement for graduate admissions indefinitely. Effective immediately, and beginning with the Fall 2022 cohort, whose application window opens in September 2021,…

David Culler EECS Berkeley Citation

May 20, 2021

David Culler awarded Berkeley Citation

Prof. Emeritus David Culler is a 2021 recipient of the Berkeley Citation, which is awarded to distinguished individuals whose contributions to UC Berkeley go beyond the call of duty and whose achievements exceed the standards of excellence in their fields. Prof. Culler has been on the faculty since 1989 and…

Charles Dove EECS 2021 Hertz

May 19, 2021

Charles Dove named 2021 Hertz Fellow

EE graduate student Charles Dove (advisor: Laura Waller) has been named a 2021 Fellow by the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing groundbreaking applied science with real-world benefits for all humanity. Dove utilizes principles from machine learning and differentiable programming to create new methods for…