
Bin Yu

June 29, 2021

Bin Yu awarded Honorary Doctorate from the University of Lausanne

CS Prof. Bin Yu has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (UNIL).  Honoris causa doctorates are often conferred as a way of recognizing individuals who are unaffiliated with an institution but who have contributed to a specific field or to society in general.  Yu was cited…


June 23, 2021

Ken Goldberg: Professor and Artist

CS/IEOR/Art Practice Prof. Ken Goldberg, who is also affiliated with Radiation Oncology at UCSF, is the subject of an interview with Ron Latanision and Cameron Fletcher for the National Academy of Engineering. Goldberg discusses the relationship between art and science in Western culture, the dual nature of his career…


June 21, 2021

Jonathan Ragan-Kelley wins ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Significant New Researcher Award

EECS Assistant Prof. Jonathan Ragan-Kelley is the recipient of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) 2021 Significant New Researcher Award.  The award honors researchers who are new to the field of computer graphics and who have made “recent, significant contributions to…

June 10, 2021

Five projects led by EECS faculty win AI for Energy and Climate Security Awards

Five projects led by EECS faculty have won Digital Transformation Institute (DTI) AI for Energy and Climate Security Awards. The awards recognize projects that are using AI techniques and digital transformation to advance energy efficiency and lead the way to a lower-carbon, higher-efficiency economy that will ensure energy and…


June 9, 2021

Jennifer Chayes wins 2020 ACM Distinguished Service Award

CS Prof. Jennifer Chayes, who is also the Associate Provost for the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), is the recipient of the 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Service Award.  She was selected for the award, which recognizes outstanding career-long “contributions to the computing community at…


June 7, 2021

Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker donate $50M for construction of new CDSS building

CS Profs. Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker have each donated $25M toward the construction of The Gateway, the new building that will house the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS).  The Gateway is conceived as “a planned nexus for collaborative, integrated data science and computing education and research…


June 7, 2021

Yang “Linda” Huang launches new novel: My Good Son

EECS Instructional Support Group (ISG) systems administrator Yang “Linda” Huang, has just published her third book, My Good Son (University of New Orleans Press, May 2021).  The novel, described as “layered, evocative and engaging” by Ms Magazine, had been selected for the University of New Orleans (UNO) Publishing Lab Prize…


June 1, 2021

EECS department welcomes new leadership

The EECS department will be welcoming three new chairs, all of whom are EECS alumni, to guide the department for the next two years.  The new tripartite structure reflects the growth and changing needs of the department, which has been managed by a two-person leadership team for over 20 years.

Shankar Sastry

June 1, 2021

Shankar Sastry wins 2021 ASME Rufus Oldenburger Medal

EECS Prof. S. Shankar Sastry has won the 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Rufus Oldenburger Medal for significant contributions and outstanding achievements to the field and profession of automatic control.  Sastry, who was dean of Berkeley Engineering for over ten years, was cited “For fundamental contributions to the…