
April 26, 2016

AMPLab singled out as successful collaborative lab model

The AMP (Algorithms, Machines and People) Lab was featured in the NEA Venture Capital Firm’s blog by Peter Sonsini, in a post titled “Veriflow: The next great startup with Cal connections”. Veriflow is the 3rd and latest EECS UC Berkeley startup to join the NEA portfolio. The successes surrounding Cal’s…

April 22, 2016

Matthias Vallentin and Colin Scott recognized at Microsoft Research Student Summit

Microsoft Research brought together top-notch computer science PhD student researchers who are about to embark on their careers with researchers and engineers who have proven research and technology impact for the 2-day Student Summit on Mobility, Systems, and Networking. During the summit, students presented their work to an ideal audience–their…


April 22, 2016

Scott Shenker elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Prof. Scott Shenker has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The strength of the Academy lies in the intellectual leadership of its members and the wide range of expertise they bring to its studies and publications. The Academy membership encompasses over 4,600 Fellows and 600…

April 22, 2016

Zack Phillips and Michael Chen win 2016 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

EECS graduate students Zack Phillips and Michael Chen, who work with Prof. Laura Waller in the Computational Imaging Lab, have been selected to receive a 2016 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship. They will receive $100k over one year to build a novel new computational illumination microscope attachment for cheap and easy…


April 20, 2016

Who’s the Michael Jordan of computer science?

According to Semantic Scholar, a search tool that uses AI to actually understand—to a limited extent—the content of published literature,  Prof. Michael Jordan is the most influential computer scientist on the web.  Semantic Scholar, developed at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,…


April 15, 2016

Paper by Koushik Sen wins ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

The paper titled “Crowdie: Feedback-Directed Instrumentation for Deployed JavaScript Applications”, authored by Magnus Madsen (U. of Waterloo), Frank Tip (Samsung), Esben Andreasen (Aarhus U.), Prof. Koushik Sen (EECS) and Anders Moller (Aarhus U.) has been chosen to receive an ACM SIGSOFT (Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on…

April 15, 2016

Paper by Yasser Shoukry, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit Seshia wins ACM/IEE ICCPS Best Paper Award

The paper “SMT-Based Observer Design for Cyber Physical Systems Under Sensor Attacks,” co-authored by EECS postdoctoral researchers Yasser Shoukry and Pierluigi Nuzzo with professors Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit A. Seshia, in collaboration with researchers from UCLA and UCSB, received the Best Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE International Conference…

April 15, 2016

Cal’s Mu Chapter receives IEEE-HKN Outstanding Chapter Award

The Mu Chapter of UC Berkeley has received the 2014-15 IEEE-HKN Outstanding Chapter Award.  This award is presented to IEEE-HKN chapters in recognition of excellence in their chapter administration and programs. Recipients are selected on the basis of improving professional development; raising instructional and institutional standards; encouraging scholarship and creativity;…

April 11, 2016

Paper by Akkaya, Fremont, Valle, Donze, Lee and Seshia wins IEEE IoTDI Best Paper Award

The paper “Control Improvisation with Probabilistic Temporal Specifications,” co-authored by Ilge Akkaya, Daniel Fremont, Rafael Valle (graduate students), Alexandre Donze (postdoctoral researcher) and Professors Edward A. Lee and Sanjit A. Seshia, based on research conducted in the TerraSwarm Research Center, received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE…