
The Dot (California Magazine)

October 25, 2016

Startup: The Dot

A device and startup created by former CS students Kunal Chaudhary, Grant Empey, and Rishabh Parikh (along with ME alumus Anuj Chaudhary), are the focus of a California Magazine article titled “A Little Dotty: Berkeley Startup Has a New Way to Make Your House Smart.”  Their creation, the Dot,…


October 21, 2016

Tsu-Jae King Liu: Leader as Storyteller

The Wisdom Café had the opportunity to sit down with UC Berkeley’s new Vice Provost of Academic and Space Planning, EECS Prof. Tsu-Jae King Liu, and discuss her career path, her beliefs, and more.


October 20, 2016

Colleen Lewis looks at social justice and equity within CS

Alumna Prof. Colleen Lewis (EECS B.S. ’05/CS M.S. ’09), now teaching at Harvey Mudd College, is profiled in an article about the award-winning women attending the 2016 Grace Hopper Conference.  Colleen won the 2016 Denise Denton Emerging Leader ABIE Award for young tenure-track faculty doing research involving engineering or…


October 18, 2016

Vidya Ganapati wins CITRIS Athena Early Career Award

EECS alumna Vidya Ganapati (M.S.’12, Ph.D.’15) has won the CITRIS Athena Early Career Award, recognizing the accomplishments of technology leaders and organizations fostering interest in computer science for the next generation of women and girls. Vidya has demonstrated a range of research accomplishments, including applications in solar cells for energy…


October 12, 2016

Ruzena Bajcsy awarded NAE Simon Ramo Founders Award

Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy has been awarded the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Simon Ramo Founders Award. This award acknowledges outstanding professional, educational, and personal achievements to the benefit of society. Prof. Bajcsy has led pioneering research in electrical and computing engineering for nearly 50 years, and is honored…


October 7, 2016

Alexandria Finley’s graceful pas de deux of ballet and EECS

EECS sophomore Alexandria Finley has been selected to compete in the 2016 Genée International Ballet Competition as one of the 10 participants sponsored by the Royal Academy of Dance.  One hundred dancers will compete over 10 days this December in Sydney, Australia, at the Genée,  one of the most prestigious…


October 7, 2016

Ali Javey featured in AAAS news article titled “Smallest. Transistor. Ever.”

Prof. Ali Javey was featured in an AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) EurekAlert! news article titled “Smallest. Transistor. Ever. ”. The research team led by Prof. Javey at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has created a transistor with a working 1-nanometer gate.