December 7, 2016
December 6, 2016
Paul Debevec: A Name You Absolutely Need to Know in CG, VFX, Animation, and VR
Alumnus Paul Debevec (Ph.D. 1996) is the subject of a Cartoon Brew interview titled “Paul Debevec: A Name You Absolutely Need to Know in CG, VFX, Animation, and VR.” Paul’s insights into virtual cinematography, image-based lighting (IBL), and the crafting of photoreal virtual humans inspired several films, including The…
December 5, 2016
How Bill Marczak found spyware that could control anybody’s iPhone
CS graduate student Bill Marczak (adviser: Vern Paxson) is the subject of a Vanity Fair article titled “How a grad stduent found spyware that could control anybody’s iPhone from anywhere in the world.” Last summer, Bill stumbled across a program that could spy on your iPhone’s contact list and…
December 5, 2016
Ana Arias and Rikky Muller selected as NAE Gilbreth Lecturers
Associate Professor Ana Claudia Arias and Assistant Professor Rikky Muller have been selected as Gilbreth Lecturers at the upcoming National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) National Meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2017. Encouraging an interest in engineering careers among middle and high school students is a high priority for…
December 5, 2016
Claire Tomlin receives honorary doctorate from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Prof. Claire Tomlin has been chosen to receive an honorary doctorate from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH is one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities and a key center of intellectual talent and innovation. Prof. Tomlin is recognized as an exceptional, inspiring…
December 2, 2016
Scott Beamer receives 2016 SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award
Dr. Scott Beamer’s dissertation titled “Undertanding and Improving Graph Algorithm Performance” has been selected to receive the 2016 Standard Performance Evaluation Corp (SPEC) Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award. The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations in the field of computer benchmarking, performance evaluation, and experimental system analysis in general. Papers…
December 1, 2016
Jose Carmena and Bora Nikolic elected IEEE Fellows class of 2017
Professors Jose Carmena and Borivoje Nikolic have been elected as IEEE Fellows Class 2017. An IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. Prof. Carmena is recognized…
November 30, 2016
Dave Hodges receives IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award
Professor Emeritus David Hodges has been selected to receive the prestigious IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award. This award is given for exemplified loyal and dedicated service to IEEE, especially its Technical Activities. Prof. Hodges is receiving this award for effective leadership in advancing IEEE’s goals for excellence in publications, conferences,…
November 29, 2016
Expanding Data Science Education
Student Jerry Lin has penned an Op-Ed in the Daily Cal titled “UC Berkeley should expand data science education” in which he describes why he supports the creation of a College of Computing and Data Sciences, a cross-disciplinary program between EECS and statistics. “This college would house associated majors that…
November 29, 2016
Researchers Develop New Parallel Computing Method
CS postdoctoral fellow Jeff Regier (adviser: Michael Jordan) along with researchers from Julia Computing, Intel, NERSC, LBNL, and JuliaLabs@MIT have developed a new parallel computing method to dramatically scale up the process of cataloging astronomical objects. This major improvement leverages 8,192 Intel Xeon processors in Berkeley Lab’s Cori supercomputer and…