Jinwen Xiao and the culture of Silicon Labs

EE alumna Jinwen Xiao (Ph.D. ’03), now a senior director of engineering at Silicon Laboratories in Austin, Texas, is featured in a My Statesman article titled “Silicon Labs focuses on ‘mature, respectful’ workplace environment.” A computer chip design company, Silicon Labs ranks No. 1 among large employers in the American-Statesman’s 2017 Top Workplaces of Greater Austin project. Xiao, who was born in China, now heads the ‘Internet of Things’ product development team of more than 40 people who come from 11 different countries. The company places a priority on the intellectual development of its employees, providing a mentorship program and encouraging professional expansion. It also actively fosters a culture of international inclusion and cooperation, providing support and legal services for employees affected by the Muslim travel ban. “That is part of why this is a great place to work,” Xiao says. “The company takes care of its people.”