EECS grad students, faculty, and alumni to participate in 2018 Rising Stars

CS graduate students Sarah Chasins (advisor: Ras Bodik), Orianna DeMasi (BIDS), Sandy Huang (advisors: Anca Dragan/Pieter Abbeel), and postdoc Angjoo Kanazawa (advisors: Jitendra Malik/Alyosha Efros/Trevor Darrell) will be participating in the Rising Stars career-building workshop for women in EECS, which will be held from Oct. 28-30, 2018 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachussetts. Chasin’s topic is “Helena: A Web Automation Language for End Users,” DeMasi’s is “ Developing a Dialog System to Augment SMS Helpline Counselor Training,” Huang’s is “Enabling Robot Transparency with Informative Actions,” and Kanazawa’s is “Perceiving Deformable Shapes: Humans, Animals, and Birds.” Speakers include EECS Profs. Laura Waller and Katherine Yelick, as well as postdoc Farnaz Niroui and alumnus Anantha Chandrakasan (B.S. ’89/M.S. ’90/Ph.D. ’94).