Ed Lee wins 2022 EDAA Lifetime Achievement Award

EECS alumnus, Professor in the Graduates School, and EE Prof. Emeritus Edward A. Lee (Ph.D. 1986, advisor: David Messerschmitt) has won the 2022 European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) Achievement Award. This award recognizes individuals who have “made outstanding contributions to the state of the art in electronic design, automation and testing of electronic systems” over the course of their lifetimes, and whose innovative contributions have “had an impact on the way electronic systems are being designed.” Lee is known for his advocacy of deterministic models for the engineering of cyber-physical systems. He led the Ptolemy Project, which developed Ptolemy II, an influential open-source model-based design and simulation tool which was used as the basis for the Kepler scientific workflow system. He is a principal investigator for the Berkeley Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center (iCyPhy), which conducts “pre-competitive research on architectures and design, modeling, and analysis techniques for cyber-physical systems, with emphasis on industrial applications.” Lee has also written several books, including textbooks on embedded systems and digital communications, as well as books for general audiences that explore the relationship between technology and people.