Women’s History in EECS
Women’s History Month (WHM), held in March, honors the contributions of women in history, culture and society.
Berkeley EECS Women’s History Month (EECS WHM) is a celebration held during Women’s History Month to recognize women, both past and present, in the fields of electrical engineering (EE) and computer science (CS). The goal of EECS WHM is to facilitate the conversation about diversity and inclusion in the field through a series of events and newsletter articles. EECS WHM is a student-led initiative, created by 4th year EECS major Olivia Hsu in 2019, in conjunction with the EECS department. The reason for holding this celebration during Women’s History Month is to not only recognize and acknowledge female contributions to the field but also share these stories with current members of the EE and CS community.
Students, staff, and faculty are all invited to participate in all events. Follow us on Facebook! Send inquiries to: berkeleyeecswhm@lists.berkeley.edu
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