
April 15, 2016

Paper by Yasser Shoukry, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit Seshia wins ACM/IEE ICCPS Best Paper Award

The paper “SMT-Based Observer Design for Cyber Physical Systems Under Sensor Attacks,” co-authored by EECS postdoctoral researchers Yasser Shoukry and Pierluigi Nuzzo with professors Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit A. Seshia, in collaboration with researchers from UCLA and UCSB, received the Best Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE International Conference…

April 11, 2016

Paper by Akkaya, Fremont, Valle, Donze, Lee and Seshia wins IEEE IoTDI Best Paper Award

The paper “Control Improvisation with Probabilistic Temporal Specifications,” co-authored by Ilge Akkaya, Daniel Fremont, Rafael Valle (graduate students), Alexandre Donze (postdoctoral researcher) and Professors Edward A. Lee and Sanjit A. Seshia, based on research conducted in the TerraSwarm Research Center, received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE…

April 1, 2016

Michael Jordan receives IJCAI Research Excellence Award

Prof. Michael Jordan has been selected to receive the 2016 IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence) Research Excellence Award. The Research Excellence award is given to a scientist who has carried out a program of research of consistently high quality yielding several substantial results. Professor Jordan is recognized for his…


March 31, 2016

Cameron Rose’s robotic birds mimic flight

EECS graduate student Cameron Rose is featured in a National Geographic article titled “Dreams of the World: Flight Simulation of Robotic Birds with Cameron Rose, UC Berkeley”. Cameron, who is Prof. Ron Fearing’sBiomimetic Millisystems Laboratory has helped design and build the mechanical bird called the H2 Bird. His research focuses…

CS Professor Ken Goldberg, 2014 (Elena Zhukova)

March 28, 2016

Ken Goldberg shows Rolling Stone how surgical robots are part of the AI revolution

Prof. Ken Goldberg’s “People and Robots” CITRIS (Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society) initiative is in Part 2 of Rolling Stone’s “Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report”. One of the projects Prof. Goldberg is working on is the development of surgical robots to do the…

March 28, 2016

Michael Lustig’s ham radio course featured in NAAR article

Courses related to ham radio taught by EE Associate Prof. Michael Lustig are featured in a National Association for Amateur Radioarticle titled “UC Berkeley Trains, Tests Hundreds of New Hams”. The entry-level course exposes newcomers to ham radio and the advanced course goes into the theoretical applications of digital signal processing,…

March 11, 2016

Jeff Bokor’s research shows that magnetic chips can increase energy efficiency

Prof. Jeff Bokor is featured in a Berkeley News article titled “Experiments show magnetic chips could dramatically increase computing’s energy efficiency”. As computing increasingly moves into “the cloud”, electricity demands of the giant cloud data centers are multiplying, collectively taking an increasing share of this country’s and the…


February 16, 2016

Paper by Rick Garcia and Avideh Zakhor wins SPIE 2016 Best Paper Award

EECS alumni Rick Garcia and Prof. Avideh Zakhor won the best paper award at the SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference on 3D Image Processing measurement. Their paper titled “Markerless Motion Capture With Multi-view Structured Light” is also the title of Rick’s Ph.D. thesis.