

October 12, 2021

Anca Dragan, Raluca Popa, and Thomas Courtade win 2020 EECS Teaching Awards

The 2019-20 EECS Teaching Awards recognize three members of our faculty whose extraordinary performances kept students focused and engaged during a particularly difficult year.  The CS Diane McEntyre Award for Excellence in Teaching was presented to Anca Dragan in the spirit of McEntyre who was know for her “dedication to…


September 24, 2021

Sagnik Bhattacharya and Jay Shenoy named 2022 Siebel Scholars

Graduate students Sagnik Bhattacharya (B.A. CS and Statistics ’21) and Jay Shenoy (B.A. CS ’21) are recipients of the 2022 Siebel Scholars award.  The Siebel Scholars program annually recognizes “exceptional students from the world’s leading graduate schools of business, computer science, and bioengineering.”  Bhattacharya, a 5th Year Masters student and…

Sam Kumar

July 19, 2021

Sam Kumar wins OSDI Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award

CS graduate student Sam Kumar (advisors: David Culler and Raluca Ada Popa) has won the Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award at the 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) for “MAGE: Nearly Zero-Cost Virtual Memory for Secure Computation.”   The OSDI, which brings together “professionals from academic and industrial…


July 13, 2021

Deanna Gelosi wins Best Full Paper Award at ACM IDC 2021

“PlushPal: Storytelling with Interactive Plush Toys and Machine Learning,” co-authored by CS Masters student Deanna Gelosi (advisor: Dan Garcia), has won the Best Full Paper Award at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Interaction Design for Children (IDC) conference 2021.  IDC is “the premier international conference for researchers, educators and…

July 6, 2021

Kevin Cheang and Federico Mora win 2021 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

EECS Ph.D. students Kevin Cheang and Federico Mora (advisor: Sanjit A. Seshia) have been awarded a 2021 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QiF) for their proposed project on “Practical Lifting for Verification of Trusted Platform Software.”  They are one of the sixteen winners of this year’s QiF North America competition, which recognizes…


May 26, 2021

NLP team helps a computer win the 2021 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament

A team at the Berkeley Natural Language Processing Group (NLP) helped augment an AI system named “Dr. Fill” that has won the 2021 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (ACPT).  This is the first time in the contest’s history that an AI has trumped its human competitors.  The team, which included CS…


May 21, 2021

EECS Faculty votes to drop GRE requirement indefinitely

After intensive debate spanning 2020 and 2021, and careful analysis of a trial cycle of GRE-free admissions for Fall 2021, the EECS Department has voted to drop the GRE requirement for graduate admissions indefinitely. Effective immediately, and beginning with the Fall 2022 cohort, whose application window opens in September 2021,…

Charles Dove EECS 2021 Hertz

May 19, 2021

Charles Dove named 2021 Hertz Fellow

EE graduate student Charles Dove (advisor: Laura Waller) has been named a 2021 Fellow by the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing groundbreaking applied science with real-world benefits for all humanity. Dove utilizes principles from machine learning and differentiable programming to create new methods for…