

October 20, 2023

CS Professors win big at Very Large Data Bases 2023

CS Associate Professor Alvin Cheung has won the 2023 Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) Early Career Research Contribution Award. The award, which includes a $2,000 prize, recognizes researchers who have made a significant impact through a specific contribution since completing their Ph.D. Separately, a paper by CS Professors Joseph Gonzalez…

September 26, 2023

EECS Grads win another IEEE COMPEL Best Paper Award

EECS graduate students Yicheng Zhu and Jiarui Zou, and post-docs Ting Ge and Nathan Ellis have won the 2023 IEEE Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL) Best Paper Award. Their paper, “A 48-V-to-1-V Switching Bus Converter for Ultra-High-Current Applications,” demonstrated a new dc-dc power converter topology and control technique…

Unfinished bronze bust of Joseph Gier

September 9, 2023

Help Us Honor a Forgotten Hero

We need your help!  An effort is underway to restore the legacy of Berkeley EE Prof. Joseph Gier to the campus community. Gier, who was the first African American professor to earn tenure at the University of California, taught and ran a lab in Cory Hall between 1939 and 1958. …

Dean Liu presents the Berkeley Citation, a framed certificate signed by Chancellor Christ, to Ruzena Bajcsy.

September 6, 2023

Ruzena Bajcsy awarded Berkeley Citation

EECS Professor Emerita Ruzena Bajcsy was awarded the Berkeley Citation, the university’s highest honor, at a special event on Tuesday, Sept. 5. The surprise announcement was made at the end of a special event to commemorate The Past and Future of Robotics and Machine Learning Based on 250 Years of…

Kurt Keutzer

August 28, 2023

Kurt Keutzer receives DAC Most Influential Paper Award

EECS Professor Kurt Keutzer has received a Design Automation Conference (DAC) Most Influential Paper Award. Keutzer’s 1987 paper, “Dagon: technology binding and local optimization by DAG matching” was selected as the most influential DAC paper of the 1980s. Recipients must have previously published DAC papers between 1964 and 2000, which have…

Clinical research coordinator Max Dougherty connects a neural data port in Ann’s head to the speech neuroprosthesis system as part of a study led by Dr. Ed Chang at UCSF.

August 24, 2023

Berkeley EECS pioneers AI brain implant to restore speech

A team of researchers from UCSF and Berkeley EECS have developed an implantable AI-powered device that can translate brain signals into modulated speech and facial expressions. The device, a multimodal speech prosthesis, and digital avatar, was developed to help a woman who had lost the ability to speak due to…

Professor King Liu speaking behind a podium

August 16, 2023

Professor Tsu-Jae King Liu Reappointed as Dean of the College of Engineering

Tsu-Jae King Liu’s leadership of the nation’s top public school of engineering is continuing for a second term. Chancellor Carol Christ and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Benjamin Hermalin announced on August 1st in a campus message that Liu has accepted her reappointment as dean of UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering. “We extend our…


August 3, 2023

U.S. Senate Hearing: Stuart Russell testifies on AI regulation

CS Professor Stuart Russell testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation about the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). In the July 25 hearing, Russell argued that AI is a powerful technology that has the potential to do great good or great harm, and he urged the…

Book pages folded over so that they form into the shape of a heart. Light is peaking through the heart shaped space in between the pages.

August 3, 2023

AI-dating app co-founded by Berkeley CS Students featured on “The Today Show”

Charis Zhang, Oliver Johansson, and Tobias Worledge, three Berkeley CS undergraduates, have co-founded RIZZ!, an AI-dating app that uses AI to generate witty and charming messages. The app, which was featured on “The Today Show,” has helped users drastically reduce the time between chatting online and meeting in person. “Traditionally…