
February 28, 2019

2019 EECS WHM Events

WHM Kickoff Event - Succulents and Breakfast 3/1; Research Talks 3/7; JewelrEE Making Social 3/7; Movie Screening - Hidden Figures 3/8; Ice Cream Social 3/13; Lunch and Learn 3/19, Speaker Panel - Women in EECS 3/20

February 26, 2019

Berkeley EECS Women’s History Month (WHM) Kickoff Event

Come join Google, the Berkeley EECS Department, and the Association of Women in EECS (AWE) at the Berkeley EECS Women’s History Month Kickoff Event! The event will include breakfast, and you can take home your very own succulent! Event Details: Wozniak Lounge, 9:30am – 11:45am on Friday, March 1st.

February 22, 2019

Reintroducing Joseph Thomas Gier

Joseph T. Gier was a pioneer in every sense. He was the first Black tenured faculty member in the UC system, a successful inventor, and a world authority on infrared measurement. Who was Berkeley EECS Prof. Joseph Gier?

February 8, 2019

The 2019 EECS Distinguished Alumni

Berkeley EECS has established a Distinguished Alumni Award to recognize the valuable contributions of its most distinguished alumni. EE alumnus Sharad Malik (M.S. ’87/EE Ph.D ’90, advisor: Robert k. Brayton), currently chair of Electrical Engineering at Princeton, was recognized for excellence in teaching, and groundbreaking research on design…

February 27, 2018

Portraits by Lotfi Zadeh

[soliloquy id="2604"] At the beginning of his career, Prof. Lotfi Zadeh enjoyed capturing the people around him in a series of black and white portraits. He joined the EECS faculty in 1959 after stints at Columbia and Princeton.  As department Chair from 1963-68, he led the charge to change the…

February 8, 2018

The 2018 Distinguished EECS Alumni

[soliloquy id=”2581″] The 2018 Distinguished EECS Alumni awards were presented to Prof. Marie desJardins, Prof. Andrea Goldsmith, Richard Ruby, and EECS Prof. Emeritus Eric Brewer, at the at the Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS) on February 8, 2018. CS alumna Marie desJardins (Ph.D. ’92), currently a Professor of Computer…

August 20, 2017

Fall ’17 Alumni Spotlight: Estela Llinás

Alumna Dr. Estela Llinás (MEng ’68/Ph.D. ’77) 40 years ago, Estela Llinás (née Soria) graduated from Berkeley with a Ph.D. in EECS.  One of an elite group of women during her era, she looks back on her childhood, her experiences as a woman engineer, her role as…

January 3, 2017

2016: A Year of Firsts

While 2015 ended on a high note with the late-November announcement of Ali Javey’s team’s creation of the first optoelectronically perfect monolayer semiconductor, that was just a taste of things to come.  Research conducted in the EECS department in 2016 would go on to produce no…