Rising Stars 2020: Mentoring Session Preparation
Mentoring sessions will happen concurrently with the rest of the workshop events after the morning welcome webinar each day. You will not be able to attend any of the regular events that are occurring at the same time as your session, but all panels will be recorded and shared with participants after the workshop has concluded.
If you have signed-up for one-on-one mentoring with a current faculty member from a Rising Stars member institution:
- Your session should be around 20 minutes
- You can ask for feedback about your teaching, research, and/or diversity statements
- You should have a digital copy of your CV and teaching, research, and/or diversity statements to screen share with your mentor over Zoom
- We recommend you familiarize yourself with the screen sharing feature on Zoom
- Some of the other questions you may wish to ask your mentor might involve:
- the faculty search process
- interviewing
- starting up your research program
- See the spreadsheet shared via email for your mentor, time, and Zoom link
- We advise you to keep your LinkTree document open and ready in case of problems
If your mentor does not appear within 5 minutes of the start time, immediately email risingstars@lists.eecs.berkeley.edu to let us know, and we will arrange for an alternate faculty mentor to meet with you.