Grad Policies: Full-Time Status
The definition of a full-time program of study depends on whether or not you are an international student and on your type of funding. All students must enroll in at least 12 units (including 299 research units) of upper division and graduate work each semester. International students and students on fellowships may have different definitions of “full-time.” International students should consult with either the Berkeley International Office. Students on fellowships may send mail to the Berkeley Fellowships Office ( Graduate Students Instructors (GSIs) and Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs), Berkeley’s terms for Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants respectively, are considered full-time if they are taking at least 12 units.
For more information about full-time status, please refer to section E1.1 of the Guide to Graduate Policy. GSIs, GSRs, Readers and Tutors should also be sure to read the Graduate Division’s guidelines on their appointments.
Entering M.S. and Ph.D. students should be aware that most Faculty Advisors will expect their students to make progress at a rate which will preclude your continuing to work full-time in industry while pursuing your graduate degree, particularly at the beginning while you are taking most of your graduate courses, preparing for the preliminary examination, and doing research. You should plan to commit the largest chunk of your time to your studies and research—at least until you are well established in our program.