Two freshmen students hudding around a laptop screen laughing.

November 18, 2019

Hopper-Dean Foundation gift of $2M bolsters EECS diversity initiatives

Advising staff answer student questions during CS KickStart, a free, week-long program for incoming freshman, female-identifying and non-binary students interested in computer science, at UC Berkeley’s Sutardja Dai Hall in Berkeley, Calif. on Aug. 14, 2019. CS KickStart gives participants the opportunity to live in dorms, tour tech companies, learn…

October 4, 2019

Latinx Heritage Month: Prof. Dan Garcia

I grew up as a “Nuyorican” kid in the Woodlawn Reservoir neighborhood of The Bronx. My dad’s parents were from the Eastern side of Puerto Rico (Ceiba and Fajardo), and both came over in the…

September 27, 2019

Latinx Heritage Month: Prof. Armando Fox

I was born and raised in New York City.  Both my parents are from Cuba and fled as political refugees after the Castro government took power. At that time, professionals were simply not allowed to leave the country, but my parents couldn’t live in an unfree society, so they…

June 3, 2019

Meet the New Berkeley EE Faculty

Two new professors are joining the Electrical Engineering faculty in 2019. Boubacar Kanté Boubacar Kante Photo Copyright Noah Berger / 2019 Associate Prof. Boubacar Kanté joined the EECS department in January 2019. He had been an assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California San Diego.

May 3, 2019

Meet the new Berkeley CS Faculty

Five new professors will join the U.C. Berkeley Computer Science division in July 2019. Alvin Cheung Assistant Prof. Alvin Cheung comes from the Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington (UW). He was affiliated with the database and programming languages & software engineering research groups,…

March 22, 2019

A Salute to Early Women in STEM at UC Berkeley

During the first hundred years at UC Berkeley women students and faculty were minimally present in science and engineering. By 1870, in its second year, the Faculty Senate proposed to the Regents the admission of women “on equal basis with men.” The Regents voted unanimously and next year Berkeley opened…

February 28, 2019

2019 EECS WHM Events

WHM Kickoff Event - Succulents and Breakfast 3/1; Research Talks 3/7; JewelrEE Making Social 3/7; Movie Screening - Hidden Figures 3/8; Ice Cream Social 3/13; Lunch and Learn 3/19, Speaker Panel - Women in EECS 3/20

February 26, 2019

Berkeley EECS Women’s History Month (WHM) Kickoff Event

Come join Google, the Berkeley EECS Department, and the Association of Women in EECS (AWE) at the Berkeley EECS Women’s History Month Kickoff Event! The event will include breakfast, and you can take home your very own succulent! Event Details: Wozniak Lounge, 9:30am – 11:45am on Friday, March 1st.

February 22, 2019

Reintroducing Joseph Thomas Gier

Joseph T. Gier was a pioneer in every sense. He was the first Black tenured faculty member in the UC system, a successful inventor, and a world authority on infrared measurement. Who was Berkeley EECS Prof. Joseph Gier?