./spmm_d8 asic_320k.bin nosym binary Reading matrix with dimensions: 321821-by-321821 having 1931828 nonzeros Reading matrix in binary took 0.019 seconds # workers: 4 Beta chosen to be 4096 generating 8 multi vectors... starting SpMV ... Row imbalance is: 7.06374 Col imbalance is: 7.20923 BiCSB time: 0.0138657 seconds BiCSB mflop/sec: 2229.19 starting SpMV_T BiCSB Trans time: 0.0131818 seconds BiCSB Trans mflop/sec: 2344.84 BiCSB Total time: 0.0270475 seconds BiCSB Total mflop/sec: 2285.55 CSC time: 0.0636877 seconds CSC mflop/sec: 485.325 Max error is: 0 on y[0][0]=-0.0143215 Absolute machine epsilon is: 2.22045e-16 and y[0][0]*EPSILON becomes -3.18e-18 sqrt(n) * relative error is: 1.80399e-15 Transposed CSC time: 0.0511229 seconds Transposed CSC mflop/sec: 604.607 Max error is: 2.84217e-12 on y[43171][1]=-616.838 Absolute machine epsilon is: 2.22045e-16 and y[43171][1]*EPSILON becomes -1.36966e-13 sqrt(n) * relative error is: 7.76996e-11